Thursday, September 12, 2013

Similarities of the beginning

The great white Baboon
The great white Bull
The great white Boomba

Seeing a pattern.

God took 6-7 days to make all

More to come..........

Picture it, Nothing Soon to be Egypt

Picture Nothing. Blackness and alone. The great white Baboon became tired of being alone.
Thus creation of the god's began. 
The white baboon created Atum- the sun god
                                        Shu- god of air
                                        Tennut - the god of moisture
                                        Geb- the god of the Earth
                                        Nut- the god of the sky
  and a bunch of others but all we care about is the story of Atum and kids.

Amun is the ram headed god who molds mortals out of clay like a potter. 
Hathor is the mother goddess with features like a cow. Was she a cow? Cant say for sure but I would                      speculate that the answer is yes. 
Atum had this thing for Hathor together they had 3 kids
                                           Seth- the god of chaos
                                          Osiris- god of the underworld
                                          Isis- goddess of the throne
Osiris has this thing for Isis luckily it is mutual. Osiris and Isis get married. Brother Husband anyone?
This upsets Seth whom gets jealous and wants Isis for himself. So he decides to kill his brother Osiris and dismember him. 
This really upsets Isis. She decides to reassemble him with the help of Amun. Together they rebuild Osiris, god of the underworld and Bammo he is back. Isis and Osiris have a child to avenge the actions of Seth. They give birth to Horus, Falcon god and he does exactly what he was supposed to do, avenge his father. Seth is slain and goes to the underworld where he will face his final judgement by the jackal headed god Annubus.
How does Annubus decide who is eaten by monsters, dismembered and those who deserve to go before Osiris god of the underworld? He weighs your heart. If your heart is lighter than a feather you may enter the underworld. But.... if it is heavier than the weight of a feather than the monsters get to feed on your flesh and rip you to shreds. 

This is part of the beginning of Egypt. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

"Live on, Weave on"

Page 38 Calasso tells us of a mortal whom dared challenge a god, running theme, the short blip was a much bigger story.

"Arachne had the effrontery to challenge Athena to a tapestry competition. The cloth she wove showed Europa being carried off by the bull: you could see the girl's feet drawing back fearfully from the water. It showed Leda beneath the wings of a swan. It showed Danae under a shower of gold. It showed Asteria in the clutches of an eagle, and it also showed Erigone who Dionysus tricked with his grapes (falsa deceperit uva). Not a word more did Ovid give us. But out of a sense of self defiance, Arachne's cloth included only stories that would bring shame to the god's.

What does that mean? Arachne wove a cloth of all the terrible things that the god's had done to mortals. Much different from the cloth that Athena had wove. Athena had chosen to do a cloth that showed the mortals disrespecting the god's and punishment.

Arachne had challenged Athena to the contest but alas Athena had finished first. But Athena became enraged at seeing the cloth Arachne had wove. She sliced it in half in a fit of rage. Arachne would not be insulted like that so she got a rope and hung herself.

Athena would not let things be so easy.She felt pity for Arachne. She touched Arachne on the shoulder and said " Live on, Weave on" and turned Arachne into a spider. Forever weaving no longer human.

Morning Rituals

My cat wakes me everyday 1 minute before my alarm goes off. Luckily I know her snooze button, alas that will only buy me 7 minutes. I get out of bed check my phone for the time, just in case. I go to the restroom, pull my hair up, brush my teeth, put on my makeup, all of this takes about 8 minutes, then I dress. 5 minutes later I am ready to go take my leg meds, my vitamins and assorted concoctions. Grab banana, cell phone, backpack, water bottle, and I am on my way to do whatever it is the middle of my life consists of. Bam.

First Memory

I missed the day we shared our first thoughts, but luckily I can still share. I was only 6 months old I was still in a car seat, place close to the big TV, under the skylight so my dad could look down on me. I remember our dog, Beuf, our cat Coon, and the hideous red shag carpet that made our home. I could still describe all the levels, I was a mischievous child who crawled too early for my parents. But the first memory was in my car seat, I am pretty sure that is what it was, and I was looking up at my father whom was peaking down at me through the skylight.I remember that the TV was playing the Muppet Christmas but it was sunny in my memory.  He was an electrician so he must have been fixing stuff. We moved from that house 2 months later to San Francisco. But that is another tale.