Tuesday, September 10, 2013

First Memory

I missed the day we shared our first thoughts, but luckily I can still share. I was only 6 months old I was still in a car seat, place close to the big TV, under the skylight so my dad could look down on me. I remember our dog, Beuf, our cat Coon, and the hideous red shag carpet that made our home. I could still describe all the levels, I was a mischievous child who crawled too early for my parents. But the first memory was in my car seat, I am pretty sure that is what it was, and I was looking up at my father whom was peaking down at me through the skylight.I remember that the TV was playing the Muppet Christmas but it was sunny in my memory.  He was an electrician so he must have been fixing stuff. We moved from that house 2 months later to San Francisco. But that is another tale.

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