Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Beginning of the End of the Beginning

As I sit in 285 today, I listen to my "family", speak to me of what they learned. I am moved. The bar is high and the time in the hourglass is almost up. I do not do well with endings. I can say I will miss my Tuesdays, and Thursdays immersed in myth with Dr. Sexson. I gained more in the short time there, then from the whole of my semester. I wrote my final words and threw them out. After seeing the world through words I must raise myself up to share what I have learned. I learned from the myth, I learned from you and I learned what I forgot. You, me, Myth. Thats how it started and how it continues. Because as it was so clearly stated. As this ends it begins to show us the light within another tunnel. I guess it simply remains to be said but see you on the other side. The flip side.

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