Saturday, October 19, 2013


Blind familiarity. That is how American Gothic was described to me. I never knew that a grain of wheat contained the whole world. That this painting led to Egypt and Hades. It makes sense to me that in a secret ritual the thing that was shown, would be that which feeds and the basis for life. The single grain that connects us all to the past. A single stalk of grain. Not exciting? Think again. It may seem ordinary to the vulgar masses. It may seem profane. Without it life stops. If we take that away we lose everything. It is gravity to the past. This single grain that has watched over generations of generations. Always looming, watching and feeding. Without the grain we lose that which keeps us honest. Bread, a side of the pyramid. Without the side it falls. Cotton. No warmth. Are there others oh yes. The list goes on for infinity. Never ending, always looming and watching. Like a horror. Take the seed of life, take the lives. If we lose our connection to the past we lose ourselves and become the nothing. That is all that we have.

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