Saturday, October 12, 2013

Vision Quests

Vision Quests. This is one of the most universal and ancient means to find spiritual guidance and purpose. A vision quest can provide deep understanding of ones life's purpose. This is a big turning point in life. It's a rite of passage between childhood and full acceptance into society as an adult. The first vision quest is during the transformative years. Also known as the teen years. When an older child is ready he will do a personal spiritual quest alone in the wilderness. Often this is in conjunction with a period of severe fasting. The vision quest can last a number of days while the child is still in touch with the spirit world. The vision quest lets the teenager access spiritual communication and form abstract thoughts. Usually a guardian spirit or animal force of nature will come in a vision or dream and give guidance to the child. After the quest the child may send up smoke signals saying that he is ok and had a successful quest. He may also mark the rock or trees in an area to tell of his vision. When he returns from his quest to the tribe he will pursue the direction in life usually of the guidance of the elders. Psychologists believe the extreme fasting or possibly some type of drug cause the hallucinations. I believe that it is all true. Myth. Something that has been lost but in a desperate need.