Thursday, October 31, 2013

The ass in lion's skin

I thought with the theme of Halloween I would warn those whom hide behind the masks that they can only be hidden for so long. To quote Aesop's Fables, "An ass once found the skin of the Lion, put it on, and was highly amused to note how his presence brought terror to the other animals wherever he went. In his delight he could not resist raising his voice and braying loudly. At the sound, a Fox, who had been skulking off, turned about and said: 'Ah, I thought you were a Lion too, until I heard you bray' - Clothes do not make the man. - What we are losing as we forget to fear the gates of hell where the sentinel watches, forcing the damned to remain behind the gates of hell with the unblinking blind eye. A blind stare to this world seeing only those on the next. It shall be this night the seat is exchanged to the next. The new watcher will take their seat. We can only hope they are whom they say and not an Ass in Lion's clothing.

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